KiwiNet Awards Categories

Breakthrough Innovator Award

This award recognises an upcoming entrepreneurial researcher who is making outstanding contributions to research commercialisation in New Zealand through technology licencing, start-up creation or commercial partnerships leading to the creation of new products and/or services from publicly-funded research.

Evaluation Criteria

  • The entrant is an early career researcher whose priorities clearly include focus on innovation which delivers commercial outcomes.
  • There is demonstration of technology application with strong commercial potential, rather than purely scientific or technological achievement.
  • There is active engagement with business and/or private investment to see research applied and taken to market.
  • The researcher is a champion of commercialisation within their organisation, inspiring others with their enthusiasm for creating commercial impact from science.

Entry is open to New Zealand based researchers of any age, in the early stages of their science career e.g. Up to 10 years after completing their PhD or entering the science arena professionally. The researcher must have collaborated effectively (with their tech transfer / commercialisation office and / or industry) to commercialise research to deliver significant innovation in the three years prior to June 2021. The researcher’s work does not have to have received PreSeed funding.

Researcher Entrepreneur Award

This award recognises an entrepreneurial researcher who has made outstanding contributions to research commercialisation in New Zealand through technology licencing, start-up creation or commercial partnerships leading to the creation of new products and/or services from publicly-funded research.

Evaluation Criteria

  • The researcher’s priorities clearly include focus on innovation which delivers commercial outcomes.
  • There is demonstration of technology application with strong commercial potential, rather than purely scientific or technological achievement.
  • There is active engagement with business and/or private investment to see research applied and taken to market.
  • The researcher is a champion of commercialisation within their organisation, inspiring others with their enthusiasm for creating commercial impact from science.

Entry is open to New Zealand based scientists and researchers who work to commercialise research produced by public research organisations.  The researcher must have collaborated effectively (with their tech transfer / commercialisation office and / or industry) to commercialise research. The researcher’s work does not have to have received PreSeed Accelerator funding.

Commercialisation Professional Award

This award recognises a commercialisation professional working within a New Zealand research organisation who has made a significant contribution to the commercialisation of publicly funded research

Evaluation Criteria

  • The commercialisation professional has successfully transformed IP from a public research organisation into a new service or product.
  • They are instrumental in the growth in commercialisation capability within their research organisation such as the development of student entrepreneurship and strong business networks.
  • Demonstration of best practice research commercialisation is shown in: a high level of business acumen, strategic thinking and results, stakeholder and industry engagement, IP management, deal negotiation (e.g. technology licensing, start-up creation), communication and influence, perseverance despite setbacks, and a focus on delivering maximum benefit for New Zealand.
  • As a champion of commercialisation within their organisation, they inspire a culture of innovation through their enthusiasm for creating commercial impact from science.
  • Their efforts generate (or have clear potential to generate) significant economic impact for New Zealand, with focus on direct or indirect impact on export earnings and New Zealand jobs created.

Entry is open to individuals who work to commercialise research produced by New Zealand’s public research organisations. The research upon which the entry is based does not have to have received PreSeed Accelerator funding.

Commercial Impact Award

This award celebrates excellence in research commercialisation delivering outstanding innovation performance and the potential for generating significant economic impact for New Zealand.

Evaluation Criteria

  • The potential to generate commercial benefit for New Zealand, e.g. through licencing, sales revenue, royalties, with focus on direct or indirect impact on export earnings and New Zealand jobs created.
  • A resulting increase in research commercialisation capability and business networks of public research organisations in New Zealand.
  • Business partnerships which focus research priorities on market needs and an acceleration of commercialisation of new discoveries.
  • Demonstration of pursuit of excellence in research commercialisation practices such as: deal negotiation, building strong business partnerships, continuous re-evaluation of strategy as the project progresses, perseverance despite setbacks, preserving maximum benefit for New Zealand.

Entry for this award is open to research organisations working with the private sector to commercialise research produced by New Zealand’s publicly funded research organisations in the three years prior to June 2021. The research upon which the partnership centers does not have to have received PreSeed Accelerator funding.


Momentum Student Entrepreneur Award

This award recognises a highly motivated university student who looks beyond the science and sees the prize - how their idea can change the world. The student is making outstanding contributions to business innovation or has created innovative businesses in New Zealand through technology licencing, start-up creation or by providing expertise to support business innovation.

KiwiNet Logo

KiwiNet Commercialisation Icon

This is KiwiNet’s highest honour given to a quintessential champion of New Zealand’s research commercialisation community. This individual has a high level of aspiration for research commercialisation as a catalyst to deliver prosperity for all. This is demonstrated by their unwavering commitment to substantially advancing the cause and activity of commercialisation of publicly funded research within New Zealand. Their body of work has made an outstanding impact on the research commercialisation ecosystem.

Evaluation Criteria

The nominees will demonstrate some or all of the following characteristics:

  • Demonstrates a high level of aspiration for the endeavour of research commercialisation to create impact and grow New Zealand’s prosperity, transform lives and change the world.
  • Inspires a culture of entrepreneurship through their enthusiasm for creating commercial impact from science.
  • Demonstrates visionary leadership, having contributed strategically to advance the cause of research commercialisation either politically and / or within the leadership of NZ’s universities and Crown Research Institutes, creating social licence to commercialise research.
  • Demonstrates best practice research commercialisation as shown in: a high level of business acumen, strategic thinking, stakeholder and industry engagement, communication and influence, perseverance despite setbacks, and a focus on commercial outcomes and delivering maximum benefit for New Zealand.
  • Has designed or implemented one or more high-impact frameworks, programmes or projects that have been widely embraced or replicated.
  • Actively champions the research commercialisation community, for example, by building networks, serving on relevant boards or committees, and/or mentoring.
  • Is widely respected for contributing their personal mana, time, insights, expertise, resources, and networks to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit and skills of teams or individuals taking publicly funded research to market.
  • Their efforts have generated significant economic impact for New Zealand, with focus on direct or indirect impact on export earnings and New Zealand jobs created.
  • Embodies KiwiNet values of collaboration, openness, supportiveness and taking a team approach that is good for NZ.

The recipient must be willing to publicly champion the value of research commercialisation as opportunities arise throughout the 12 months following their winning the title (e.g. engaging with news media, speaking opportunities). Any research upon which the nomination is based does not have to have received PreSeed Accelerator funding.