What’s on Offer

$10,000 Project Fund

Emerging Innovators receive $10,000 in project funding to build industry connections and demonstrate proof-of-concept for a disruptive new invention. To be awarded the funding, the nominated scientist must demonstrate a clever new idea and a willingness to work closely with business, end-users and/or commercial mentors as they develop a prototype or proof-of-concept.

The Emerging Innovator project funding is NOT PreSeed funding and therefore does not require matching investment. 

It is intended for very early stage development to seed new ideas and industry engagement that will ultimately increase the quality and quantity of new innovation opportunities emerging from research organisations.

The Emerging Innovator funding is intended to be a stepping stone to other funding and support. It is anticipated that the fund will better position a scientist to secure further funding and/or investment, for instance PreSeed Accelerator Funding, research funding or private sector investment.

Mentoring, Professional Development and Publicity

The Emerging Innovator programme also provides a suite of initiatives and resources to support recipients on their commercial journey.

All recipients receive a commercial mentor, matched to their needs and project, and work with KiwiNet’s Public Relations (PR) consultant to formulate a press release on their technology and engage with local and national media. 

Development of the commercial aspiration and core capability of Emerging Innovator recipients is the primary goal of the programme.

At the completion of the programme, Emerging Innovators will receive a completion certificate, to be awarded at an appropriate occasion involving senior research organisation leaders and KiwiNet representatives.

Recipients are supported through a tailored professional development programme:

2023 Kiwinet Initivatives