What will Rewa cover?

  • Identifying your team’s skills and knowledge gaps, and building a roadmap to achieve product-market fit and impact pathways.
  • Forming a strong team in a driven but friendly atmosphere that provides accountability.
  • Understanding what compelling customer validation looks like, how to test for it, and how to communicate value to the market.
  • Building direct connections with both NZ and Australian commercial mentors, export market awareness, and investment opportunities.
  • Understanding the best ways to finance your project, or where to take it next.
  • Exploring and identifying potential translation pathways. Including progressing NZ SME engagement and global licensing opportunities.
  • By the end of the programme each team will be supported to build a robust and rigorous application for KiwiNet phase II funding.

Programme Outline

Immersion Week

Immersion week to kick-start the programme in Auckland

You will:

  • Gain understanding of the customer discovery process
  • Conduct customer and stakeholder conversations
  • Identify and prioritise potential impact pathways
  • Build ability to tell a compelling impact narrative through storytelling
  • Gain appreciation of each team member's goals and motivations
  • Form new relationships with Rewa program facilitators, Australian and NZ mentors, and the guides from NZTE

1:1 virtual coaching session

A check-in with the programme facilitators, Australian and NZ mentor, and NZTE guide.

  • Help teams identify and overcome roadblocks to team progress, map their impact pathway, and their KiwiNet Tier 2 funding application
  • Provide a mechanism to help each team meet their customer discovery milestones

1:1 virtual coaching session

A check-in with the programme facilitators, Australian and NZ mentor, and NZTE guide.

Mid-point workshop

2-day residential team building experience for all teams in Wanaka.

You will:

  • Reflect on team learning and progress
  • Undertake an experiential learning exercise to improve team dynamics and collaboration
  • Finalise goals to be achieved by the end of the Rewa program

1:1 virtual coaching session

1:1 virtual coaching session

Final Week

2-day residential experience for all teams to reflect on customer evidence gathered and present project analysis and next steps. Includes KiwiNet Phase II funding pitch if completing

You will:

  • Analyse results and capture learnings important for future execution
  • Master a Storytelling Training framework to deliver a presentation and impact narrative to an audience
  • Submit application to KiwiNet Tier 2 funding process (optional)

International pitch event

Qualifying teams travel to Sydney for an AU investors pitch event

  • Optional for those teams that submit an application for the KiwiNet Tier 2 funding process
  • A 1-day experience that includes:
    • An “Understanding Venture Capital” masterclass
    • Mentoring by a science entrepreneur who has raised venture capital
    • Pitching to two Australian VCs and receive detailed feedback
    • Attending a networking event with representatives of the Australian VC community