PreSeed 10 Year Review

In 2014 the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) assembled data on the outcomes of the government’s PreSeed Accelerator Fund (PreSeed) since the fund was established in 2004. An independent consultant, Roger Ridley from Ridley Insights Ltd, was commissioned to prepare a comprehensive analysis of the impact and outcomes of PreSeed funded projects.

Read KiwiNet’s press release on how Government PreSeed investment is transforming the way Kiwi Science gets to market

Download PreSeed 10 Year Review

Independent Report by Roger Ridley of Ridley Insight Limited

Download PreSeed Infographic

Infographic prepared by KiwiNet

About PreSeed

PreSeed is provided by the MBIE to undertake early stage technology commercialisation activities to:

  • maximise the commercial benefits to New Zealand of previously publicly funded research
  • raise public sector providers’ commercial capabilities and skills
  • improve public sector research providers’ links with potential private sector partners.

More about PreSeed

Report Highlights

The report was the first ever comprehensive analysis of PreSeed outcomes across 10 years of data from 15 Universities and Crown Research Institutes.

The analysis showed that PreSeed had stimulated a strong pipeline of commercial opportunities based on a solid foundation of matching investment from research organisations and the private sector.

$42.5 million of PreSeed had been invested into 573 projects alongside $66.5 million from research organisations and $22.4 million of external organisations.


The outcome is a steady increase in commercial deals and start-up companies that are creating jobs, export earnings and business investment in R&D.

By November 2014 PreSeed had created 460 jobs, $188 million of external investment into research organisations and potential export earnings of $3 billion.

Pre-Seed 10 Year Potential Export Earnings

Pre-Seed 10 Year Potential Export Earnings

Pre-Seed 10 Year Jobs Created

Jobs Created in 10 Years of Pre-Seed