Species Selective Rodenticide

The ubiquitous rat is considered to be one of the most destructive mammalian species in the world, with economic impact from rats estimated at US $20 billion annually in the United States alone.

While there are a number of available toxins that are effective at controlling rats, almost all are non-specific and pose a risk of poisoning children, domestic pets, wildlife and livestock.

Landcare Research has developed improved analogues of the rat specific poison norbormide, and are seeking to licence this technology to an international rodenticide manufacture.

The KiwiNet Investment Committee approved PreSeed investment to get the rodenticide technology to an investor ready stage, and helped connect Landcare Research with an expert for assisting with information in US product registration and royalty rates.

Landcare Research is looking to commercialise this technology through licencing to Bell Labs, a global rodenticide manufacturer.

Through KiwiNet we'll not only improve our commercialisation capability, but we'll be able to share vital industry and investment networks that will help us take research and innovations to the marketplace.
Richard Gordon - CEO, Landcare Research