Precision SeaFood Harvesting

Plant & Food Research is working in partnership with Sanford Limited, Sealord Limited and Aotearoa Fisheries Limited and the Ministry for Primary Industries to deliver a world leading commercialisation programme that will transform the way New Zealand, and eventually the world, fishes.

The system uses an understanding of the physical, physiological and behavioural aspects of fish to target specific species and fish sizes, as well as enabling fish to be landed in a better condition than with traditional harvesting systems, leading to premium pricing in export markets.

By landing the fish in a live, low fatigue state, unintended catch can be returned to the sea.

The reduction in the number of non-target species taken maintains the health of all fish stocks.

By meeting consumer demands for quality and sustainability, it is expected that New Zealand’s export returns will increase by $100 million by 2020 through use of the system.

Precision Seafood Harvesting was a finalist for the MinterEllisonRuddWatts Research & Business Partnership Award at the 2014 KiwiNet Awards.

Precision SeaFood Harvesting

Plant & Food Research

Precision SeaFood Harvesting