
A New Zealand Research Commercialisation Success Story

Callaghan Innovation has developed the HyLink System which can provide a cost effective sustainable energy solution from 100% renewable resources.

HyLink is a system for the efficient creation, storage and delivery of hydrogen fuel to provide continuous energy availability (e.g. for heating and cooking) from renewable resources (e.g. wind and solar). Not only will HyLink be a green lifestyle choice (with minimal to zero carbon footprint) but it will also save money, time and improve security of supply for any consumer wanting to be self-sufficient for cooking, hot water and space heating.

Various HyLink System configurations have been run, monitored and demonstrated at several NZ sites, notably a prototype at a Totara Valley high country farm in the Wairarapa and currently a pilot at Matiu/Somes Island in Wellington Harbour.

The KiwiNet Investment Committee approved Pre Seed funding for HyLink as they saw the potential for commercial development in the hydrogen energy space.

"As with any new, disruptive technology there is the constant challenge of finding sufficient funding to sustain progress on the technology development, so the KiwiNet funding to reach the pre-commercial stage, i.e. a full-scale configuration in a real world setting, of a farm manager's house on a Taupo property, has been absolutely vital. Furthermore, this support from KiwiNet has encouraged the commitment of the industry partners to invest their own resources to completion of the project.

KiwiNet identified a consultant with expertise in the renewable energy field to support the project team to further refine the customer segmentation and value proposition for each, which has been invaluable in preparing for commercial sales within the next two years."

Tim Balmer, Director Investments & Commercialisation, Callaghan Innovation.
