Growing the surf clam industry

Since 2011, the Cloudy Bay Group and AUT (through Assoc. Prof Lindsey White) have developed a strong collaborative relationship to deliver significant growth for the Group, as well as New Zealand’s seafood industry and fisheries sector.

AUT has built and continues to build expertise and is gaining a national reputation in aquaculture and fisheries research, innovation and development.

The output also includes skilled students, who have gained practical experience, and collaboration between different faculties at AUT.

Cloudy Bay group benefits by having access to experts to develop new products and processes to allow it to grow its business and compete successfully in international markets.

A mature NZ surf clam industry has been estimated at NZ$300-400 million in export earnings. This collaboration’s strategy seeks to contribute to this projected growth, as well as New Zealand aquaculture industry’s growth plan which aims to increase seafood export to $1b per annum by 2025, through market-led product innovation and exports.

Cloudy Bay Clams won the Peoples’ Choice Award at the 2013 KiwiNet Awards.

Auckland University of Technology