Alistair Jerrett: Changing the Way New Zealand Fishes

A New Zealand Research Commercialisation Success Story

Alistair Jerrett has a vision of a New Zealand seafood industry that has a national and international reputation for ethically harvested and high quality fish.

This vision has underpinned his research programmes over the last 15 years. He has focussed on understanding the properties of New Zealand commercial fish species and applying that knowledge to the development of technologies that can operate at commercial scale to maximise the potential of New Zealand seafood products.

Alistair works closely with the Seafood industry to find science and technology based solution for their businesses.

His research has delivered a new harvest technology that is able to consistently and selectively land high quality fish - a monumental step forward for New Zealand’s fishing industry with potential to add value in all post-harvest areas, from improving the quality of current products to new and exciting market opportunities

Alistair was the winner of the Researcher Entrepreneur Award at the 2014 KiwiNet Awards.

Alistair Jerrett

If you're not making mistakes, you're not making anything.

Alistair Jerrett, Science Group Leader, Plant & Food Research