A New Zealand Research Commercialisation Success Story

Landcare Research, through their subsidiary Enviro-Mark Solutions, has developed an integrated carbon and energy management system in response to UK regulation.

On 31st December 2014 a new energy management regulation (applying to all companies with 250 or more staff or turnover exceeding €50M turnover) called the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) was enforced in the UK.

50% of the ESOS work stream relates to measuring energy use, which is a significant task for most companies.

The CEMARS program is being further developed by Enviro-Mark Solutions to support those organisations with carbon and energy obligations resulting from these changes in legislation.

The CEMARS programme is specifically referred to as a route to compliance within the ESOS statutory guidance published by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change.

The tools provided to CEMARS participants currently capture energy use data and, with further development, these tools can provide a one-stop shop for companies to comply with ESOS and maintain their carbon certification.

The KiwiNet Investment Committee funded this project based on its potential to boost export revenues of Landcare Research's subsidiary company, Enviro-Mark Solutions.

The funding from KiwiNet has been vital to ensuring that the CEMARS programme remains the carbon and energy solution of choice for scores of top UK companies.

Ann Smith, CEO, Enviro-Mark Solutions