KiwiNet News 10 June 2016

Nano-scale material like ‘magnetic play-dough’ sees researcher awarded $20,000 from KiwiNet Emerging Innovator Programme

Hamilton, NZ, 9 June 2016

Dr Jérôme Leveneur, a researcher in the Environment and Materials division of GNS Science’s National Isotope Centre, has been awarded $20,000 from the KiwiNet Emerging Innovator Programme to further develop a new nano-scale magnetic material. Dr Leveneur’s magnetic material made of nanostructures is 1000 times thinner than a human hair. The material’s small scale gives it enhanced properties over conventional magnetic materials which can be used to improve energy efficiency of transformers and inductors.

Dr Jérôme Leveneur, a researcher in the Environment and Materials division of GNS Science’s National Isotope Centre

Dr Leveneur says, "The material is highly flexible and can be manufactured in a range of different shapes, like 'magnetic play-dough', to make any size and shape, which is not the case with existing materials.

"The ability to mould the material to any shape can be used to improve the designs and energy efficiency of inductors and transformers, for example, as we can ensure that the magnetic field goes exactly where it's needed which is more efficient."

Dr Leveneur believes the new high performance material has the potential to benefit a wide range of industries and lead to a radical advancement in electro-magnet technologies used in areas such as inductive power transfer, radio communication and electric motors.

"When you switch regular electromagnets off they hold a fraction of their magnetism and it costs additional energy to switch them on in another direction. With nanomaterials the magnetism can be switched on and off at no additional energy cost, increasing efficiency," he says.

The Emerging Innovator Fund was launched by KiwiNet with the generous philanthropic support of the Norman Barry Foundation to help early career researchers take their ground-breaking science to market. It is open to scientists from universities and Crown Research Institutes who demonstrate a clever new idea and a willingness to work closely with industry as they develop a prototype.

Chris Kroger, Research Manager & Deputy GM Research, GNS Science says, "Jérôme's research is potentially a game changer in the field of magnetic materials. It focusses on new types of solid nanostructured magnetic materials that can be moulded into any size or shape and previously only very particular shapes and sizes could be made.

"Jérôme is a very worthy Emerging Innovator Fund recipient as throughout his scientific career he has been heavily involved in industry-led research. His discoveries in new functional surfaces and materials, and their application in sensor systems and manufacturing processes hold great promise to impact industry in a powerful way."

Leveneur will use the Emerging Innovator funding to work closely with New Zealand manufacturers of transformers and inductors who could benefit from his innovative research. His goal is to demonstrate how his material can outperform current materials or investigate completely new designs that are currently unachievable through conventional methods.

Dr Bram Smith, General Manager of KiwiNet is excited about the opportunities the Emerging Innovator Fund opens to early career researchers. "The fund aims to spur on some of New Zealand's most talented early career scientists. It's a collaborative effort with the Norman Barry Foundation providing the funding, MinterEllisonRuddWatts providing in-kind expert legal support, Baldwins offering IP advice and KiwiNet recruiting a commercial mentor to support Jérôme. KiwiNet is growing this initiative over the next year to give our next generation of innovators a real boost in their ground breaking work."

John Smith, Chairman of the Norman Barry Foundation sees the Emerging Innovator Fund as an ideal way to leverage combined resources and connections. Smith says, "Both KiwiNet and the Foundation share the common goal to inspire young people to pursue science careers and seek out opportunities to apply their knowledge to benefit the community and the economy."

For further information please contact:

Sandra Lukey
Shine Group (PR for KiwiNet)
Phone: +64 21 2262 858

About KiwiNet Emerging Innovator Programme
The KiwiNet Emerging Innovator Programme was established in 2015 by KiwiNet with the generous philanthropic support of the Norman Barry Foundation. The aim of the Emerging Innovator Fund is to have more scientists with disruptive new ideas working alongside businesses to solve industry challenges. It is open to scientists from public research organisation who demonstrate a clever new idea and a willingness to work closely with industry as they develop a prototype. The KiwiNet Emerging Innovator Programme is available to early career researchers based at universities and Crown Research Institutes across New Zealand.

About the Norman Barry Foundation
The Norman Barry Foundation, is a charitable trust registered under the Charities Act 2005. Norman Barry was an entrepreneur and a philanthropist who established the Quality Hotel Parnell. During his successful business career he mentored motel owners in Auckland who were new to the industry and helped various charitable organisations in the form of donations.  Norman left his shareholding in Quality Hotel Parnell Limited to the Foundation, and the distributions from this Company to the Foundation are used for charitable donations. In addition, Quality Hotel Parnell Limited is also a registered charity in its own right and this company also makes donations to the community.