Contract research,
Teaching, Publishing,
Funding applications,
Stakeholder engagement…
The pressure is on!
We know, because we are scientists too*…
As researchers we want to challenge conventional thinking, change the world with our ideas, use the power of science to transform people’s lives, make the world a better place, tackle the global challenges we all face.
Yet many of us are slaves to traditional career pathways.
It’s easy to feel hamstrung by the demands placed on us… and the notion that it would compromise our integrity as scientists if we commercialised our discoveries. But it needn’t be that black and white.
In fact, there’s a quiet revolution underway. A groundswell of successful researchers across the country are challenging the status quo… commercialising their discoveries, alongside their day jobs.
…Because KiwiNet champions people like you, and we’re here to help you find a more effective pathway for your science discoveries to be recognised and make a difference in the world.
* Yes, over half KiwiNet’s management team have science degrees!
KiwiNet administers PreSeed funding to accelerate the transformation of science discoveries into commercially viable products and services.
Our training workshops are designed to empower you to engage effectively with your commercialisation office and industry to advance your work. Learn about identifying commercial opportunities, patenting, accessing funding for commercialisation and tapping into support.
The KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards is New Zealand’s premier event celebrating the achievements of individuals, teams and organisations actively commercialising publicly funded research.
Contact your in-house Commercialisation representative.